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Old Goa Church Information

Old Goa church / The Basilica of Bom Jesus

Old Goa Church

The Basilica of Bom Jesus (Portuguese: Basílica do Bom Jesus; Konkani: Borea Jezuchi Bajilika) is a Roman Catholic basilica located in the Goa state, situated in the Konkan region of India.

Saint Francis Xavier’s preserved Body

Saint Francis has been buried in the church. He died in Sancian island or Shangchuan island when he was going to China. His body was taken to Portuguese Malacca but after two years it was brought to Goa. It is said that the saint’s body was fresh when it was brought to Goa.

Basilica of Bom Jesus is the most ancient churches in Goa that is mostly visited by the tourists. Constructed late back in 15th century, the church has been crafted with precious stones and surreal works of impressionist painter.

Basilica of Bom Jesus is a big and one of the oldest church in India which was constructed during the Portuguese rule in Goa. Bom Jesus means good Jesus or infant Jesus and the church is dedicated to him. The construction of the church was started in 1594 and ended in 1605. The church was declared as sacred in1605 by Alexio de Menezes.

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Niranjan Yamgar

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